Talent Festival

An event that brings together corporates and the most ambitious students from Aachen.

Imagine an event where businesses can get to know selected and ambitious students of the target university RWTH Aachen. A full day of short 1-on-1 meetings, presentations, interactive workshops and lots of networking!

Apply here now!


Tailored Talent Talks

Pre-arranged 20-30 minute one-on-one meetings between students and company representatives are key to connecting the academic and professional worlds and providing a platform for meaningful exchange. Students can learn about and apply for jobs and internships that match their skills, expand their professional networks, and discuss their interests in depth. Companies gain access to emerging talent from Aachen universities, increase their academic visibility, and build future employment relationships. These interactions also provide companies with insights into academic research and technology trends, benefiting their R&D strategies.

Learn, Apply, Connect

The event structure, which combines 30-minute keynote presentations and one-hour workshops, accommodates different learning styles and maximizes the benefits of the exchange of ideas and opportunities for students and companies. Impulse presentations, led by industry experts, provide insight into industry trends and inspire students about career opportunities, emphasizing engagement and curiosity. Companies use them to highlight their innovation and attract future talent. Workshops provide in-depth exploration of topics, allowing for hands-on learning and direct interaction. Students apply knowledge, gain skills, and demonstrate abilities valuable to employers, while companies make deep connections with potential hires. The formats differ in their approach to engagement: presentations pique interest, while workshops facilitate deeper understanding and skill development.

Network Over Meals

Incorporating lunch and dinner into the event fosters a relaxed atmosphere for networking, allowing students and company representatives to build on formal session connections or start new conversations. These meals are more than breaks; they're designed for informal yet powerful interactions. Lunch provides an opportunity for attendees to reflect, engage in casual discussions, and approach companies informally, benefiting those without scheduled one-on-one meetings. Dinner, which marks the end of the day, provides a more formal setting for deepening relationships and making new contacts. Both meals offer companies a unique perspective on potential talent, observing interpersonal skills and social intelligence in a less formal setting. These interactions are critical to assessing qualities beyond academic or technical achievement.

Impressions from 2023

Julius Freytag &

Julius Freytag & Timon Rochholz